Tuesday, August 08, 2006

North Korea Missile Tests a Success????

So as I perused the Washington Post yesterday at lunch, I come across a small 7 or 8 line blurb in the latter stages of the A section that says that 6 of the 7 North Korean Missles that were launched, hit their intended target areas in the Ocean.


Hmmm...Just a thought. But what the hell is that kind of information doing in the Nether-regions of the Post. This needs to be front page, above the fold news as far as I'm concerned. How about someone from the Pentagon in front of a podium saying"Yeah, we screwed the pooch on that one". Everyone laughed when we thought their missles had fallen helplessly off target, but now it's not so damn funny. This administration seems to avoid negotiating with anyone who's not anglo-saxon christians, so here's what we're going to do. I want to see former Presidents Clinton and Bush back on their fundraiser plane, because unless someone is elected who is willing to negotiate with countries who aren't on our christmas card list, and is willing to find peaceful resolutions to these problems, there will be thousands or millions more bodies and we're going to need the cash.

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